Daimonic Realities and Root Metaphors

Numbers make up this world. Number gives Order. Numbers is also the language of God. So, numbers play a significant part in our life. However, numbers alone mean nothing. Hence, Man regards numbers as a form of symbolism. 13 is supposedly an unlucky number for Westerners. 8 is a lucky number for Chinese. Our forefather associate numbers with mysticism, giving numbers a whole new meaning. Tarot cards are something that is created from the association. Numbers, patterns and words are the basis of Tarot, and they are used to gain insight of the present and future, also known as fortune-telling. By ‘calculating’ the choices we have made, we are able to predict the present and future through Tarot. We look up to the Perfection of numbers, trying to be Perfection ourselves, since Perfection is beautiful. God made us Perfect, so through Perfection than can we become as close to God as possible.

Fringe Science explores beyond the concrete facts of Traditional Science, and tries to find a gap in those concepts. Through associations with mysticism and the study of the inner mind, Fringe Science change the facts to an impossible theory. Impossible now, but possible in the future? Everything is just the illusion of the mind. Through manipulation and perception of time and space, Fringe Science attempts to intelligently guess how far the relationship between Science and Nature can go. Perhaps, through understanding the limits of the world, we can attempt to understand our world better, or in more severe cases, control the forces of the world.

Secrets Societies are the organizations that no one from the outside knows. Some say they control important aspects of the world, like the economy and politics. Others say they are hidden in the media, influencing the world the teachings of the organizations. The uncertainty of their location, masterminds and motives are what make these secret societies so hard to be found. One of the prominent Secret Societies is the Illuminati. The founder of Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, dabbled in the mystic arts of secret cults. He tries to ‘educate’ the world their ways through the Illuminati. Illuminati aim to gradually gain more followers, controlling the minds of the world bit by bit, and eventually taking over the world. Will the rise of a single world order manage the world better than the present? Will that be for the greater good or will cause the downfall of Man?
In relation to Games Design, we must design something symbolic or of meaning to the objective, or else we will just be designing for the sake of designing. By making sure there is Perfection in a design (Golden Rule etc.), then will the design be beautiful. Ideas, no matter how irrational or crazy they are, are still ideas. Like Fringe Science and Secret Societies, an idea so minute and illogical takes time to prove it worthy. Hence, a good idea usually starts small, and then develops itself to be one that is important and eye-catching.
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